Agua Mineral San Benedetto
in Spain
Agua Mineral San Benedetto is the number one mineral water bottling company in Spain in terms of volume and one of the leading manufacturers of soft drinks in the country.
The company has 2 bottling plants in Spain: Agua Mineral San Benedetto S.A.U. in San Antonio de Requena (Valencia) and Parque La Presa S.A. in Loja (Granada).
San Antonio de Requena is responsible for the bottling of our mineral waters Fuente Primavera and Fuencisla, as well as the production of our entire line of soft drinks. Our Head Offices are also located here.
Our Font Natura mineral water is bottled in Loja.
In total, we have 11 filling lines and 2 aseptic lines. We bottle more than 1000 million liters per year and we employ more than 300 people altogether at the two plants.

Weak mineralisation water

Weak mineralisation water

Weak mineralisation and low sodium content water

Our Fuente Primavera and Fuencisla natural springs are located between two natural parks in inland Valencia: the Las Hoces del Cabriel Natural Park and the Chera-Sot de Chera Geological Natural Park. This is why we have the Producto Parque Natural (Natural Park Product) certificate.
Our Font Natura Natural Spring is located in the Sierra de Loja, a natural setting characterised by its wild and rugged landscape, filled with magic and untamed beauty.